Worksheet Terminology
The terminology we have around the zodiac today is woefully inadequate. In modern western astrology, we use one word to describe multiple functions within the astrological charts. That word is “signs”. It’s one of the reasons we don’t use astrology to its full potential. The language is not precise. We can’t know what we don’t know. Precise language puts us in the know.
Signs = Territories, Glyphs, Rights, Traits & Creeds
The Keys to Your Remembering
Signs as Celestial Territories
The zodiac is a wheel of 360 degrees that represents our viewpoint of the heavens or night sky. We simply divide the heavens into 12 equal segments to give us the celestial territories of:
- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
Therefore 3 degrees Taurus is actually 33 degrees of the zodiac in absolute terms. The zodiac is not an exact representation of the heavens. It is an artificial representation based on our perception and on logical mathematics for the specific purpose of mapping that which cannot be seen.
Signs as Glyphs
Signs are the symbols known as glyphs appearing on the outside of the zodiac wheel. An image and description of the 12 glyphs can be found on the Chart Key.
Signs = Zodiac Glyphs
The zodiac territory glyphs, appearing on the doors of the workstations, are street signs telling you who your Guide is (for that station).
The symbol for:
- Aries & Scorpio points to Mars.
- Taurus & Libra points to Venus.
- Gemini & Virgo points to Mercury.
- the Sacred Crab, unfortunately known as Cancer, points to Luna.
- Leo points to Sol.
- Sagittarius & Pisces points to Jupiter.
- Capricorn & Aquarius points to Saturn.
Signs that aren’t called signs in modern astrology, oh my!
Zodiac Glyphs as Guides, and other things
Just as the Celestial Territories are represented by glyphs on your chart, so is each of the planets, orbs, some of the asteroids, and some sensitive energetic points. A key, to the most important of these, can be found on the Chart Key. In modern astrology, these symbols are not referred to as signs. Rather, they are called exactly what they represent. The glyph for Mars, is simply called Mars. Confusing, I know.
Don’t worry about it too much now, it will all make more sense as you follow along with “What Gotham Wants…”.
Guides as Universal Rights
Each zodiac guide is tasked with exemplifying a particular birthright that comes with the act of being born into a material world. These are Universal Rights that we have to respect, if we are to eliminate unnecessary, self-imposed suffering. The list of the Universal Rights can be found on the Keys Cheatsheet. You probably won’t find any mention of this in modern astrology. It is a concept that has been completely overlooked.
Guides as Character Traits
The Universal Rights are not easy for humanity to accept and adopt, especially on a collective scale, perhaps why they have been overlooked. The Zodiac Guides guard over the “birthrights” they embody. Each guide has a particular character trait–the exact character trait needed to understand the importance of the birthright they are assigned. Developing these character traits helps us to understand the necessity and sacredness of the Universal Rights. In modern astrology, these traits tend to get lumped in with all of the known correspondences for a guide, negating their importance.
Station Guides = Universal Rights & Character Traits
Who the Guide is tells you which Universal Right you need to respect, in its respective workstation, and which character trait you will need the most, to succeed in that sector of life.
Back to Those Things Called Signs
Signs as Creeds
Twelve creeds are required to create a world worth living in. How we fuse those creeds together and how we apply them matters. There is specific formula, everyone in the collective needs to follow. And there is a specific formula, required for you alone. If we are to create heaven on Earth, we need to have a tipping point of people attending to both.
Signs = Creeds
The territory glyph, appearing on the door where the Station Guide dwells, is telling you what creed you will need.
But Wait There is More…
I know, it’s alot! The zodiac is like an onion, Donkey. It is layers and layers of meaning, directions, and instructions–mundane, philosophical, and spiritual. Our terminology needs to reflect these differences and nuances. Signs are not just signs.