Episode 4: Sol’s Allies
A Yew Grows in Brooklyn
We are continuing to prepare the backpack we will be using on our journey. So far, we have the second item on our list, Luna’s seeds, safely tucked away in our bag along with the first item, our map. Today we are assembling the grow-lights which will provide the warming rays of photosynthesis and a certain level of protection, in the form of immunity to Luna’s seeds. As we make our journey, we will leave a grow-light with each seed, planted strategically, to ensure that they are fertilized and resilient. These seeds will eventually grow into a mighty yew tree, made of twelve trunks.
You can follow along with us, to find out what you need to make your own dreams grow into a mighty yew. All of the instructions and materials needed to do so, can be found on the digital downloads page.
Yew Lore
The yew tree is capable of growing several trunks. This is one of the features that make this tree so very special, resilient, and long-lived.
Last week, we found Sol exiting Station 3 of neighborhood navigation and entering Station 4 of housing. He is literally betwixt, standing in a magical portal between two worlds. This tells us, that the light Gotham needs to grow her dream of being a leader in pioneering, symbiotic partnerships, will require illuminating housing and creating housing for Gotham’s citizens, AND, Sol can leverage the unique beauty and character of Gotham’s neighborhoods, and the transit and communication systems that connect those neighborhoods, in order to achieve this. Today, we will find out which characters have volunteered to assist Sol in his efforts.
Sol has four allies assisting in his mission:
- Jupiter at 9° Libra in a 1° separating square in Station 1
- Venus parallel at a declination of 23°25’S in Station 3
- Mars parallel at a declination of 24°3’S in Station 3
- Pallas parallel at a declination of 24°24’S in Station 7
the square between us
Remember the relationship between Luna and Mercury we discussed in Episode 2, we have a similar dynamic between the Sun and Jupiter. It’s the same but different.
Jupiter is located at 9 degrees Libra in Station 1 in a separating square to Sol. Sol has broke away from Jupiter and turned a corner, so that Jupiter can no longer see Sol and doesn’t really know how to get to him. Even though they were committed to the same end goal at Gotham’s inception, they are now focused on what can seem like conflicting approaches, in getting there. Where the separating square shows up in a chart, is where all was not well out the time of your birth. There is huge potential here, but it’s the kind of potential born from resilience and true grit. The payout is big IF you are tough enough. It’s a big “IF”.
jupiter in station 1: bigger is better
Jupiter is not just in Station 1, like Sol, he is standing in a doorway. Unlike Sol, he has fully crossed the threshold and does NOT have one foot stuck in the prior station. Jupiter’s entire attention is entrenched in Station 1 of authentic identity. Station 1 is where we craft our avatar—our individual brand. We need to muster the courage to project that brand out into the world, proudly with no regrets. It is one of the four cornerstones needed for Luna’s dream to be real, so not only is it a requirement, all of the other stations depend on it. If the identity we assume is not authentic, it breaks our spirit. We won’t make progress and life will always be a struggle.
With Jupiter being directly on top of a cornerstone portal, we have another indicator of fame in Gotham’s chart. Jupiter wants Gotham to have a big identity that can’t go unnoticed. Jupiter wants to grow, but he wants a specific kind of growth. With Jupiter, the development of your psychic senses—your superpowers, is the prize, and all growth, as far as Jupiter is concerned, is with this in mind. This is where I deviate from today’s mainstream astrology. To fully grasp Jupiter’s highest calling, we have to go waaaay back to the ancients. And, we need to be skilled at weeding out all the propaganda which history always leaves us with. History is told by the victor. We know this. Therefore, we must look at our ancient written records, through this lens, if we are to find any truths. Jupiter’s job is to teach us the importance of philosophical growth and spiritual growth for the specific purpose of developing the psychic skills that will free you personally, and when used in tandem with others, has the power to free all of humanity. This is the part we have yet to remember when it comes to practicing spirituality. But that is a lecture for another day.
jupiter in libra: i’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony
At the base level, we can see, the rapid rate of Gotham’s growth was a negative for Gotham’s housing situation when the consolidation occurred. I am not historian, I am just telling you what the chart says. Maybe the historian’s out there will weigh in and either confirm or debunk the statement.
What the chart is telling us, is that Jupiter in Libra, wants to help Sol by giving Sol, an extra large pool of masters, from all over the world, who despite their cultural and economic differences, have learned to live and work in balance and harmony. When I say “masters”, I’m talking about people who have mastered their craft, whether it be art, engineering, manufacturing, etc. Jupiter being in Station 1, tells us this large population of masterful, multi-cultural human beings, is part of Gotham’s authentic identity. If we allow Gotham to become homogeneous and gentrified, she will die. We need to do whatever it takes to protect her true identity. Ironically, this extreme population of masters to choose from, is part of the reason for our housing crisis. The irony of the square. Gotham’s chart is giving us a great example of what square energy is. The square wants you to use your lemons to make lemonade. Take whatever appears to be bitter in your life and sit with it long enough to figure out how to turn it into something enviable.
the parallel: red rover, red rover, send sol right over
On the flip side, we have Venus, Mars, and Pallas, all parallel to Sol. I would wager that the little discussed parallel aspect, is the most powerful type of relationship to be had in a chart. Parallel’s are tight, within 1.5 degrees of each other. Imagine a group of allies, rather than being in a huddle as with the conjunction, this group is in a horizontal line FORMATION like a bunch kids playing red rover. They are organized, unified, determined, in plain sight, and will not be ignored. Some CRAZY good mojo.
asteroids: to be or not to be
We can’t and don’t include all of the asteroids in a chart reading, but there are always a few that won’t be ignored. Typically, if an asteroid keeps showing up, that’s my queue to include it. And while their interpretation is not a requirement, they can give us laser precise specificity. Even the smallest of asteroids can give big details in a chart. Pallas is one them. Pallas represents being able to identify patterns. Identifying patterns is something that we all do. Humans are wired for it. Whatever station Pallas is showing up in is where we can leverage this intrinsic talent to our best advantage. The sign he is under, tells us the approach we need to take for the best results. For Gotham, Pallas is at 20 degrees Aries in Station 7, standing right next to Luna. I really should have included Pallas in Episode 2, as one of Luna’s allies. But when I got the idea for this series, it all happened so fast. I didn’t sit down and do a comprehensive read-through of Gotham’s chart, and I still haven’t. Having full confidence in the process, there is no need to look ahead, especially when I don’t have time to do so. Now I have an asteroid standing up and demanding to be counted.
To understand is to perceive patterns.
Isaiah Berlin
pallas and luna: allies at last
For the moment, lets go back to Luna and look at her dream. Pallas tells us, those symbiotic pioneering partnerships that she so desires may well involve computer programmers, data scientists, linguists, cryptographers, and even astrologers—anybody or any group that uses the knowledge of patterns as a tool, is good for Gotham, as long as that tool is either being used in a new way or is a completely new invention. Remember, Aries is the creed of forging new ways of doing things.
Sol & Pallas: using patterns to create a lean, mean city housing code and housing infrastructure
Luna is conjunct Pallas and his patterns, while Sol is parallel to Pallas and his patterns. So even though Sol and Luna aren’t holding hands in Gotham’s chart, they have a middle man, named Pallas, bringing them together. Gotham needs Pallas type individuals, those people who can identify patterns, in Pallas type occupations to shed light on the city’s housing situation, which will make just the right partnerships for Gotham, glaringly apparent.
The square indicates that city administrators might require an ultimatum before they get on board with Sol’s goals. Or they simply might not have another choice, and those situations are never fun. Are you listening Mayor Adams? Whenever I know I have something tough or unpleasant to tackle, I always do it first. That way I don’t have to stress about it, and you can’t start reaping the rewards until the task is done. So it serves us best to just get it over with. This is the kind of strategy to use in dealing with a square. Tackle it head on, and commit to chipping away a little each day and eventually, you will get around that corner. And even though Pallas is in a lovely red rover formation, he is the middle man helping Luna in her square with Mercury, and helping Sol in his square with Jupiter. When city administrators are looking for those pioneering symbiotic partnerships that can help Gotham with her housing woes, they need to actively seek out and research those Pallas type partnerships. Gotham’s chart is telling us that Pallas could get Jupiter and Mercury around those squared corners, a whole lot faster.
Pallas is not alone in his red rover formation. He is holding hands with Venus and Mars, who are attracting the best of the best, and doing their thing to beautify, innovate, and sustain Gotham’s neighborhoods. He is working hard at keeping Gotham’s multi-cultural and tolerant roots. As we make our way around the zodiac wheel, these relationships and how they need to work will become more and more evident.
housing: gotham’s critical support beam
For now, we can surmise, Sol’s strategy for getting Luna’s seeds to grow is to shine a light on her housing situation, specifically making her housing code and housing infrastructure a thing to proudly display before the world. Jupiter is helping out by providing a large pool of experts, but the rapid growth of the past, which gives us that pool of experts, is slowing down the process. Venus, Mars, and Pallas are standing in solidarity with Sol, giving their all in helping Sol to shine.
With the cornerstone Stations 7 and 1, being tightly linked with Sol standing at the threshold of another cornerstone Station, Station 4 of housing, we’ve got a third qualifier indicating once again, Gotham’s housing is going to make or break her. If her housing situation crashes and burns, it won’t be alone. The housing sector will bring two other cornerstone stations down with it. This would leave the cornerstone of big business and enterprise to hold Gotham up. I can tell you for sure, with the South Node there, it won’t be enough. Big business and corporations can not fix this. If city hall doesn’t get a handle on Gotham’s housing situation, it will be her demise. Anyway that is what her chart says.
We will talk more about this next week, when we add some mana, kryptonite repellant, and lucky charms to our backpacks. Meet you back here next week. Til then, be free!