Episode 3: Sol
Sol & Luna: A Symbiotic Partnership
I spoke a lot about symbiotic partnerships, the past two episodes. I use the term symbiotic because it is important to make the distinction. Each zodiac workstation has a compulsory skill set we must learn before we can start working with our unique guide in that particular area of life. We look to the stationmaster for this skill set. Venus in the land of Libra is the Stationmaster of Station 7, the station of Symbiotic Partnerships. The lands of Libra belong to the Air clan, which means they value intellect and detachment. Libra values are discernment, justice, balance, harmony, equality, and detachment. Libra teaches us to approach all relationships with detached intellect and with equality and symbiosis in mind. All too often, modern astrology delegates Station 7 to marriages and we get stuck there, with all of our dogma and prejudices about what makes a good marriage, i.e. the submissive wife or husband, and we never recognize the pure potential of partnerships. In western culture, historically wives have filled the role of serving their husband’s selflessly, solely for the benefit of the husband’s personal gain, putting her faith in a trickle down theory which never materializes. Since the feminist movement in the ‘60’s, we have seen the reverse true as well, with husband’s placing their wife’s interest above their own, again believing in this trickle down theory that rarely ever happens. This sets us up for failure in all our partnerships.
The relationship between Luna and Sol, gives us a perfect example of what Venus in Libra is trying to teach us. Sol is not thinking about his libido when he approaches Luna. He has no desire to possess her and use her as a tool for his own gain. And he has nothing to gain without her. He is looking at Luna with admiration, respect, and the kind of devotion that is born out of a knowing, that everything he does for Luna’s benefit will result in his own benefit, as well.
“Staring up at the sky on a bright, sunny day makes me dream and gives me ideas.”
Marc Jacobs
The admiration is mutual. Luna knows Sol is not only making her dreams real, but he is also helping to perpetuate a never-ending cycle of dreaming new dreams to be materialized.
Do you see the difference? A partnership can be one-sided, with both parties focused on the benefit of one. A symbiotic partnership is very different. A symbiotic partnership only exists when the mutual intent is to benefit all parties equally. The zodiac code doesn’t care about partnerships and marriages. They are not a requirement to make your dreams real. The zodiac code teaches, specifically, the power and importance of symbiosis. Symbiotic partnerships are a requirement if you are to make your dreams real. They are magical, they are bigger than the parties involved, and they have the power to impact all of humanity.
Sol enjoys, more than anything else, making Luna’s dream real and showing off what they have created together. That’s his purpose. He knows, as long as he keeps making Luna’s dreams grow, he will always be able to do what he loves because their relationship naturally begets a perpetual cycle of dreaming.
house of the rising sun
In Gotham’s chart, Sol is situated at 10 degrees Capricorn in Station 3, but he his literally standing at the doorway of Station 4. He is at the same degree of the Station 4 door, just a few minutes from actually crossing the threshold. The doorways of Stations 1, 4, 7, and 10 are energetic portals of power in a chart, because they are the cornerstones. If we get these portals right, we are almost always guaranteed success, if we get them wrong, nothing ever works in our favor and life becomes a constant uphill battle.
Sol’s placement here tells us many things. The Sun standing in the doorway of any of the four cornerstones is an indicator of fame. Three indicators of fame in a chart, typically results in fame. Whether we are famous for good behavior or bad behavior depends on us, our free will, and our choices. Here we have a hint indicating Gotham is going to be known for her housing, one way or the other. Whether or not she is known for having great housing, terrible housing, not enough housing is entirely up to the city administrators. All the chart is telling us, is the potential for fame is highly likely. We might want to do what we can to make sure Gotham is known for something good, rather than something bad.
Last week, we learned that one of the things Luna wants is pioneering symbiotic partnerships which assist her citizens in having safe, secure homes. But there is a problem with the bureaucracy and infrastructure, in regards to housing, and Mercury has the job of fixing it. Sol’s placement, being close to Mercury, tells us, getting this problem under control is the catalyst Gotham needs to materialize the symbiotic partnerships she desires. Sol’s placement right at the doorway of Station 4 of housing, shows us that while Sol’s rays continue to filter through to Station 3 of neighborhood navigation, he is facing the station of housing. Station 4 of housing is where he has his sights and where he really wants to shine. He can leverage the achievements in Station 3 to do just that. NYC can use the infamous past partnerships, that resulted in some really cool neighborhood assets, to attract partners to an area that looks like a lost cause.
First and foremost, Sol is telling us he wants NYC’s housing code and housing infrastructure to shine. Remember, Sol is at 10 degrees Capricorn. Capricorn is the land of bureaucracy and infrastructure designed with freedom in mind. Capricorn wants just enough rules and structure to make freedom possible. Here we have a second qualifier, telling us NYC’s housing infrastructure and housing code is going to make or break her. This is the area that needs Gotham’s time and attention. Where Sol resides in your chart, is where you really need to give it your all. The Sun is part of the Fire clan, it demands action, it needs to be able to proudly shine. When it comes to NYC’s housing, there is not a whole lot to be proud about right now. The typical working class New Yorker, who, historically, has made this city so great, is being forced out. We can’t let it continue.
For Gotham, Sol wants to be able to proudly tell the world, hey look at me, why would you want to live anywhere else? Don’t you want your city’s homes to be like mine? When he can do that, Luna’s dream will be real.
Yew Lore
The Yew is adaptable. It thrives in full sun but with or without the sun it will grow. In full shade, it produces sparser foliage in order to survive and thrive.
soak up the sun
What is Sol trying to tell you? The sign and station Sol is in will give you hints to the types of actions you need to take and where, when, and how to shine. His sign tells you what he wants. The station he is in tells you where he wants it. In Gotham’s chart, Luna and Sol are very much connected. This might not be the case in your own chart. Oftentimes, we see a disconnect between the two. Sol and Luna might seem completely disconnected. This is true in my own chart. I can tell you from experience, if your try to marry your own ideas of Luna and Sol, in an effort to force Luna’s dream to grow, it will backfire. To get Luna’s dream to grow into something real, we need to give Sol our undivided attention, without worrying about our deepest desires and Luna’s dream, at all. If you happen to have the South Node, conjunct, or close to your Sun, you will need a special strategy. But for most people, we just need to put our focus square on the Sun and trust the process.
If you do happen to have the South Node close to your Sun, send us a line and we’ll discuss that further in the classes, on the blog, and in the TikTok’s. You can also find companion worksheets and materials in the digital downloads.
Next week we will find out if Sol has any allies helping him. Til then, where is Sol in your chart?