A Preview
There are all kinds of different charts to be had in the field of astrology. You only need one of them for this journey. What is referred to as the Natal Chart or Birth Chart in modern astrology, is the chart to use for your map. It is based on your birth place, birth time, and birth date. You will need an accurate birth time for this chart and a relatively close birth place. An error of just four minutes in time, can give inaccurate directions. The first place to check for birth time is your birth certificate. If it is not there, the hospital where you were born may have a record. Just because they have the data, doesn’t mean they will give it to you. Sometimes, relatives will remember the time of your birth. As a last resort, there are astrologers who specialize in figuring out your birth time. The process is referred to as rectification. I recommend Alphee Lavoie for this service.
Even though we are using the standard natal chart as our map, we will not be using it the same way as it is used in modern astrology. Instead, we will be using Horary techniques. Horary astrology is the use of astrology as a divination tool. In Horary, ask a question, and you will get an answer. We are asking the questions, why are you here, and what do you need. Using this method, our natal chart becomes an efficient map.
Go grab your map and map key, and tuck them into your backpack.
Luna is the dreamer. Passive. All she need do, is dream her dream. It will take Sol’s rays, to spark her dream into something real. With the warmth of Sol’s love and affection, Luna’s seeds will grow.
Luna’s location on your map, and her connections, will give you hints to your soul’s deepest desires. There is a good possibility you’ve forgotten them. Meditate on Luna, her station, her creed, and her friends, to remember. Her celestial territory tells us her creed and what she wants. The station she is in, tells us where and therefore, why she wants it. And the allies she is connected to, tell us the finer details of the the dream. The allies also signal the supports and challenges you will find along the path. These are the seeds you need in your backpack. We will strategically plant, grow, and nurture them on our journey. Where is Luna on your map? Make a note of all your seeds, and tuck it into your backpack.
Sol adore’s Luna and her dream. He wants nothing more than to make her dream real. He does this by shining his light. Even though he does not seem to be focused on Luna and her dream, he knows the warmth of his rays cannot be escaped. He also has a keen awareness of connectedness. He knows exactly where to direct his attention in order to get Luna’s seeds to grow. We must learn to trust Sol, and know that his perspective is greater than ours. He can see things that we cannot see. If you do not resonate with your sun sign, you are in the right place. Here, we only focus on the highest vibrations of the celestial territories and creed. So often, the current preoccupation with the lowest vibratory frequencies of the zodiac, make us want to distance ourselves from our Sun Sign. As you get to know Sol’s creed through the lens of its highest and purest calling, you will begin to see how Sol has connected the dots back to your Moon.
Sol’s placement on your map tells you how to make Luna’s dream real. His celestial territory tells us which creed we need to adopt in this Earth walk. This creed needs to be our motto and approach to life. The station he is in, tells us which sector of life needs our energy and attention most, in order to make Luna’s dream real. Therefore, Sol’s station tells us where to be active and engaged. The connections Sol makes will give you the details to refine this part of you life. Where is Sol in your chart and what is he connected to? This information acts as your grow-light. Make a note, and tuck it into your pack.
You will need some food for the journey. It takes more than physical food to give us vitality in this life. We also need spiritual food. Spiritual food keeps us alive when, physically, we shouldn’t be. It gives our physical bodies the energy to keep going and the will to live, getting us through our darkest hours. It’s that extra boost of energy, that seemingly comes out of nowhere, when the physical body is utterly exhausted. It is what you need to get around the tight corners of the square, and through the push and pull maze of the opposition. Luna, being the guardian of nurturing, will release mana through her North Node. The North Node, is the umbilical cord that keeps you connected to divinity and delivers the current of life force needed to survive.
There are two prime themes to consider in understanding the North Node. Currency and space. The etymology of currency is a “condition of flowing”. Currency is derived from the root word current. Current means to be here now and relates to the vital current of life force. Since we have given paper money the value of currency in our lives, we need it to be here now. We are dependent on it for survival just like we are dependent on spiritual life force, or chi. This collective choice of ours, means the North Node now holds the key to our pocket books as well as our vitality. If you want to increase your income, it helps to pay attention to your North Node and make sure you are getting what you need in the way of mana.
Our ability to be energized greatly depends on space. This is where we find out who among us are introverts and who are extroverts. Introverts are fueled by privacy. Extroverts are fueled by company. Here are some space examples, to start the brainstorming process.
- Station 1 – Personal Space
- Station 2 – Natural Space
- Station 3 – Community Space
- Station 4 – Private Space
- Station 5 – Creative Space
- Station 6 – Efficient Space
- Station 7 – Shared Space
- Station 8 – Collective Space
- Station 9 – Foreign Space
- Station 10 – Public Space
- Station 11 – Eccentric/Collaborative Space
- Station 12 – Hidden Space
Locate your North Node. Study and meditate on its placement by station and territory, while asking the question, which of these things is it draining to go without. With all of the nuances within the zodiac, it can be difficult to recognize what gives us life force. Everything positive gives us some residual level of energy. To recognize, what we need the most is easier through the lens of “what makes us feel bad when we don’t have it”. Especially, when those things we need, feel foreign to us. Or worse, if we have been conditioned, to feel we shouldn’t need them. We feel starved, drained, beat-up, and down-trodden when we don’t have Luna’s mana. We can recognize what we don’t need by the slow steady drain on our pocketbooks. Use this guide and the codebook to develop just the right trail mix of mana for your journey.
While Luna’s North Node fills you up, her South Node can act as a drain if not handled properly. It is your kryptonite. It is pretty to look at, has a magnetic pull, but spend too much time with it and it will suck the life right out of you, making you weak, poor, and ineffective. Ultimately, the node’s are intended to work together. The North Node being a digestion and storage system converting fuel to energy and storing it up. The South Node being a combustion system for the by-products of the digestion process and the excess fuel in storage. Ironically, the South Node feels comfortable to us. In early life, it is all too easy to get stuck there. The ancients referred to Luna’s Nodes as the dragon. The dragon symbolizes Kundalini, prana, chi, life-force, vitality, whatever you want to name it. The North Node is the dragon’s head, “that which you cannot live without”. The South Node is the dragon’s tail, “that which you can live without, at least for a bit”. If the dragon loses his tail, he will simply grow another.
This is a good analogy in understanding the South Node. We all love our figurative tales, they act as a rudder and give us stability, but we can go without them for extended periods of time. To access the dragon, we need need to know how to handle the kryptonite so we can tap into its power instead of being drained by it.
We can’t get out of doing the work of the South Node workstation. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to handle this powerful and potentially hazardous material. It’s not easy, it takes practice, and most of us get burned quite a few times before we get the hang of it. It usually happens naturally around middle age. Hopefully, this little guidebook will give you a big head start.
Once a sufficient amount of work has been done in the North Node workstation, you can go visit the South Node workstation and look at the pretty kryptonite, as long as we don’t spend too much time there. South Node stations are familliar stations for us. Some believe we bring our past life skills to these areas. Generally, they feel comfortable and we can function on autopilot, with just the by-products produced from our North Node work. But once the waste disposal process is completed, we need to get our butts back to the North Node to keep are batteries charged and strong.
It takes a bit of practice and much willful intent, because, in the beginning, the North Node can feel hella uncomfortable, and we generally have to work harder in this area. North Node energy often requires working through the other workstations of the chart to gain the knowledge and experience needed to activate the North Node and fully charge our batteries.
Locate your South Node, and study the themes of its station and creed. Use the information to develop a strategy. Your strategy should help you to limit the time needed in the South Node to a minimum, while still getting your needs met. It doesn’t have to be perfect, you can fine-tune it along the way. Know your kryptonite and how to handle it. Get it safely tucked away in your pack.
Every degree, out of the 360 degrees of the zodiac chart, carries a particular energetic resonance. We have not fully cracked the code of the individual degrees, but we are getting closer, thanks to some gifted and pioneering astrologers. The ancients had a better handle on this, though much of their understanding has been lost or distorted. It’s obvious that the placement of luminaries, planets, and station doors impact our lives. However, the ancients somehow knew how to calculate for energetic portals hidden within the zodiac, as well. The Arabic Part-of-Fortune is one such portal. There are many Arabic Parts, most we know little, if anything, about. But the Part-of-Fortune has maintained its integrity. The knowledge of it, and the ongoing study and observation of it, gives us a solid understanding of how it operates. It acts as a lucky charm. It is greatly instrumental in any LOA practice. All materialization begins with an energetic resonance in the spirit realm, first. The Law of Attraction operates on being able to imagine and conjure the feeling of abundance before we have it. That feeling is different for everyone. The Part-of-Fortune will tell you what it is that makes you feel abundant. When we feel abundant the things we needs seem to magically appear out of thin air.
Just like with Luna’s dream, we are conditioned, often by the most well-intentioned folks, to divorce ourselves from that thing which makes us feel most abundant, for all kinds of seemingly logical reasons. It is important to retrieve these lucky charms and get them safely tucked away in your pack. Without them, life is filled with insurmountable obstacles requiring us to take ten steps back for every five steps forward.
Just like everything else in the zodiac, the celestial territory and the workstation where you find the Part of Fortune, holds the keys to utilizing the energy. As well as any connections it makes to other parts of the chart. Figure out where your luck lies, and get those charms stowed in your pack.
Everything in the our world is a reflection of one of the seven zodiac guides, or a combination of them. As of above, so below. These reflections can be positive, negative, or neutral. It is a code. It knows no biases or prejudices. It is simply a celestial reflection of everything in our world. By knowing these correspondences we can get clear directions from the zodiac chart and from our REM sleep dreams.
The codebook wiki, located at, is just a starting point. But it is a good starting point, taken from the most trusted sources. It is a work in progress and there is a lot of work to get done before it is fully functional. Our target completion date for the codebook is January 2025. In the meantime, you can purchase any good books on correspondences. My favorites are:
Now you are ready to start your journey!
Your map is divided into two sections. The first six Stations, appearing to be in the South position are actually facing North. Stations 7-12 occupy the top half of the map and are facing south. They both have a distinct purpose. The northern hemisphere is for the protection of your individuality, and the southern hemisphere is for the protection of the collective.
Just like everything else in the zodiac, this energy is multi-functional. By protecting our individuality, we are serving the collective, for we have something distinctly unique to offer humanity. By protecting the collective, we are serving our individuality. Protection of the collective provides us access to the resources and freedoms we need in order to contribute our distinctly unique gifts to humanity.
This is what our current flavor of capitalism fails to recognize, and why it is unsustainable. The zodiac illuminates the truth of our connectedness. Everything is connected. Every decision we make and action we take, for ourselves, impacts others, often in ways we can scarcely imagine. Addicts like to stand behind the argument that they are only harming themselves. It’s an untruth–not even a possibility. They put everyone at risk in various ways and create undeniable amounts of angst and suffering. Their actions ultimately result in the loss of even more of our freedoms. Seemingly harmless actions, can and do, cause great harm.
The two hemispheres of the zodiac teach us, in order to reach the best outcomes and gain the most benefit for our own sake, is to make our decisions and take our actions through the lens of how it will impact others. We can’t divorce ourselves from the collective, and we can’t survive without the collective, for we are a part of it. The two are inseparable. This is the path to balance and integrity. This knowing is the path to freedom.
to hold something sacred, is to value it
I once heard a famous radio personality say, he didn’t believe that anything was sacred. Now that’s just sad. If we all take that stance, humanity is doomed. What we hold sacred is a reflection of our values. Values give us structure. Structure is the foundation of freedom. The zodiac wheel shows us six universal laws, which must be held sacred in order to create a beautiful, fair, balanced, and just world, in which everyone can thrive. It’s not optional. There is no way to hack the system. And it’s not that hard, but it is scary.
When I say sacred, I am not talking about religion, dogma, or any kind of red pill. I simply mean placing value where it is warranted, in order to create a world worth living in. That is a creed I can get behind.
universal laws for traveling between the worlds
These laws are causeways which allow us to traverse between the material and spiritual realms safely. Keeping them in balance is the key to psychic development and the protection of the Earth. Tapping into our psychic senses is how we activate our superpowers. We can’t level-up to superhero status without them. And just in case anyone has forgotten, our physical bodies can’t live without the Earth. We just might want to hold her, and her stuff, sacred.
These are the collective agreements we must keep if we are to have a world worth living in. These are the things that cannot be bought or sold in our economy for free access to them is a requirement in building the world we desire. They are the infrastructure for freedom.
To have a perfect world, the collective agreements found in this section need to be a part of the collective civil code. In the meantime, we must do our best to uphold this code in our own lives, with the handicap of not having access to all of the resources we need. Good luck!
The Poles-The Push and Pull of Opposites
Each causeway is an axis with a pole at either end. Think of a train line, with a station situated at both ends, suspended high above the water, supported by a single pivot point like a seesaw. The only way to get across safely is to keep it balanced. One station is weighted with the task of protecting your individuality, the other is weighted with the task of protecting the collective. Keeping the balance takes courage and practice.
Polar stations are hard to keep balanced. Being polar opposites, they have an alternating current of magnetism and repelling. You can expirement with different strategies. Devote 100 percent of your energy to only one polar station and you will eventually feel a sense of repulsion rearing its head in that particular area of your life. Heed the warning, and retreat to the opposite station and ground yourself. Eventually, you will get to where you can stand in the middle, perfectly balanced, marrying the two into one cohesive whole. At the very least you should be able to oscillate back and forth between the two, keeping a balance of both in your life. You will grow and change throughout your life. The alternating current of these causeways, allows for incremental growth and gentle calibration. Ultimately, this is the energy needed to complete your life’s work. Get a good flow of energy here, and it will serve as a battery pack giving you energy when you should be depleted, and it will act as an armor giving you protection from the absurdity’s in the world.
The Number of Matter
There are six of these metaphorical train lines. They are:
- Authenticity,
- Planet Earth,
- Education,
- Security,
- Creativity, and
- Integration.
When we place value on these concepts by holding them sacred, we stand a better chance of keeping them in balance. The key, to keeping the causeways balanced and traversable, lies in understanding the Universal Rights & Character Traits presented by our seven Zodiac Guides.
Authenticity Axis
I agree to uphold an infrastructure of Authenticity and acknowledge, the ability to project authentically is what it is to be free.
The suffocation of authenticity breeds narcissism, fascism, and hate. There are all kinds of reasons we don’t project authentically. Oftentimes, it’s a combination of things, rather than just one. The most common is fear of ridicule, followed by economics. This is true of the wealthy and the poor. If the price of projecting authentically is the economic favor of your parents, the wealthy child has much to lose. The wealthy child, who has divorced themselves from their own authenticity, is capable of great damage to humanity, because that damaged child has access to more resources.
Wealthy or poor, it does not matter. We all need access to authenticity. Economics, religious dogma, classism, ageism, (for young and old), low self-worth, prejudice, the risk of ridicule, and unhealthy societal norms, are all reasons we use to justify divorcing ourselves from ourselves. This act cuts us off from Luna and her dream. It is like a horcrux, it splits our soul. The damage is massive and structural. It will impact every single part of your life.
Denying authenticity is the first step in ensuring an unsafe world filled with suffering. Sound familiar?
Activating the Poles
The Authenticity Artery is Located between Station 1 and Station 7
Mars, being the Stationmaster of Station 1, gives us courage, because that is what it takes to be authentic–true grit. We must be willing to stand alone–shunned, ridiculed, and economically cut-off. Too often, this is the price of authenticity in our world. Mars counters this reality by exemplifying the Universal Right to Be. To be–to exist authentically–is your birthright. It is the courage to be alone that keeps us from being alone. Be authentic and you will attract relationships filled with harmony. You will also repel relationships filled with discord. Unfortunately, being authentic can mean we repel the families we were born into. That is the hard part. By honoring authenticity within our society, we can make the process much easier.
Venus, being the Stationmaster of Station 7, gives us the gift of balance. She wants you to use cool, detached intellect, to determine if your relationships are balanced enough for symbiosis. If you are not allowed to be authentic in the relationship, there is no balance. The identity of your partnerships needs to ring of authenticity, allowing you to always feel fueled by the partnership rather than drained. Claim your Right to Beauty. We are worthy of beauty in all of our surroundings as a consequence of our birth. Beauty in our relationships, is the easy, peaceful feeling of effortless harmony. If you find you don’t have it, it’s time to go back to Station 1 and craft a new avatar.
the push-pull cycle of projecting & relating
The image you project in Station 1, determines the partners you are able to attract in Station 7. If you do not intentionally choose an identity to project, one will be assigned to you, and that never works out well. The partnerships you need will grow and change over time, as you grow personally and move towards alignment with your own authenticity. This is a foundational axis. Take turns considering the needs of both Stations throughout the course of your life. Refine them accordingly, to gently craft a foundation capable of holding up your entire life for its duration.
Mother Earth Axis
I acknowledge, all land and raw materials are freely provided by Mother Earth and therefore cannot be owned. Understanding, if we allow only a few to own our Mother, we deny access to the many, I agree to uphold an infrastructure of equitable and sustainable distribution for the Earth’s lands and resources, as a requirement for my own freedom.
The denial of access to land and resources ensures homelessness and poverty. Think about it. The land is a finite resource and humans are reproducing exponentially. All this math and we still don’t seem to understand how exponents work. This won’t be a slow burn. Half of the population is at risk of being put out, overnight. I am not being an alarmist. These are the facts. This is the way exponents work. If we can’t manage our homeless situation today, we sure as heck, are not going to be able to manage it tomorrow.
The billionaires say the answer lies off-planet. Really??? We’ve managed to turn an exquisite specimen of a planet into large swathes of poverty stricken hell-holes of suffering, and rather than fixing the problem, our supposedly greatest minds, want more of the same on other planets.
This problem is fixable. It takes a tiny shift in our value system. Terrifying, yes. Impossible, no. Our system of privatized land is not sustainable with exponential growth. So we can either agree to stop having babies or agree to share the land. The zodiac clearly points to the latter.
Activating the Poles
Mother Earth transcontinental is located between Station 2 and Station 8.
Venus and Mars are up to bat again. Venus, being the Stationmaster of Station 2, is bringing the character trait of balance. This time, she wants balance in our personal belongings. She wants us to take what tools we will need for our great work and the accoutrements needed for daily life. She wants us to take only what we need, not an excess, and only what the Earth can bear, unharmed. Yikes! It goes against all of our capitalistic dogma. She counter-balances our dogma by reminding us of our inherent Right to Beauty. It is our birthright to surround ourselves in material beauty. This is easier done, if we learn to be happy with only the things we need.
Mars is looking out for the collective this time. Being the Stationmaster of Station 8, he urges us to share and protect our Mother’s lands and raw materials. It’s scary to share, that’s why he is here. He is bringing the courage. Sharing on a global scale is by far, the thing that terrifies us the most. And I get it. Our global leaders have not done a very good job of managing resources thus far. To be fair, it’s not the sharing that scares us so much. The question of “who is going to be doing the managing of the sharing”, is the part that keeps us clinging to an unsustainable system. Mars is using the Right to Be, to nudge our value system in the direction needed to make this shift possible and easier. It is our birthright to exist and take up space on this planet, which means everyone has a right to access the gifts of our Mother, and the right to utilize them for their own survival. We have to agree to a collective management and protection system for Mother Earth’s lands, resources, and raw materials, in order to achieve equitable access for all.
the push-pull cycle of receiving & sharing
This is the most broken axis in our society. To achieve balance here seems an impossible task.
In a perfect world, we take what we need from the well of resources intended in Station 8, for our personal use in Station 2. In Station 2, we use our unique skills to turn these resources into something new, or to allow us to develop a service. Then we replenish Station 8, by placing the new goods and services, waste, and what is no longer needed, back into the collective well; and by contributing a portion of our time to her maintenance. See the circuit of sustainability emerging? There are various ways of replenishing the well of Station 8. Spending time volunteering for recycling, re-using, rehabilitating, regenerating, etc. are all effective ways in which we can show up for our work in Station 8.
Modern astrology delegates Station 8 to insurance, debt, and Wall St. investments. This is all true, but only because everything has to have a celestial correspondence. These things have a low resonance. They are not what Mars wants. Debt with interest is an atrocity through the lens of the zodiac code. Lenders, insurance companies, and brokerage firms all have the ultimate goal of producing profit for their stakeholders. Protecting the collective resources is not their primary function. Station 8 and profit are counter-intuitive. We can’t have it both ways. We can have abundance, and with Venus acting as the cantilever, we can have beauty. But profit for the corporate machine is not a part of the equation. The current system of debt, insurance, and investing, will slowly siphon away Mother Earth’s resources until there are none left.
The most logical way to heal this axis is to start at the community level. We can start contributing to a well of resources within our own family and our own community to lead by example. Working in this manner, we are able to side-step the current economy. If we choose to accept the current system, we either forfeit our time to a wage, or join the ranks in stealing from the collective to succeed. I know, it’s a hard pill to swallow and I am not judging. I am just reading the code. Having a strong Station 1, 4, 7, and 10, will make repairing the causeway of Mother Earth more manageable.
In the meantime, meditate on our Mother. Get to know her. Take time to enjoy, recognize, and appreciate all she freely gives. Take time to remember, she IS giving FREELY. She doesn’t charge you to admire her beauty, eat of her bounty, or build from her resources. Follow Venus in Station 2 and learn to only possess the materials items that bring you joy. Study and meditate, to comprehend how Station 8 needs to function for collective freedom. As our respect for Mother Earth grows, fixing this axis will come as natural as breathing air.
Education Axis
I agree to uphold an infrastructure of Education and acknowledge, free and equitable access to education is a requirement for freedom.
Knowledge is power. We all know this. The collective seems to be in agreement on the importance of education. The code within the zodiac is telling us that it is not just important, it is sacred. Therefore, we can’t allow it to be bought and sold. When we make it part of the economic system, we ensure access is denied to certain segments of the population. That’s not good for any of us. Again, we are ensuring poverty, lack, suffering, and worse, ignorance.
Activating the Poles
Education Expressway is located between Station 3 and Station 9.
Mercury, being the Stationmaster of Station 3, is urging us to exercise those brain cells. Why? Because we have a Right to Order. Having order means having efficiency and efficiency gives the gift of time. Time is freedom. Mercury likes to stay close to Venus and support her in her work of creating beauty. Order means having clean, organized, efficient neighborhoods, all things that contribute to the overall beauty of the environment.
To not have the basic education required to function in our communities is a time tax. For the illiterate, the required tasks of the day, take on inordinate proportions. This is a trickle down tax extolled on every individual who interacts with the illiterate party. It’s a special kind of embarrassment for the uneducated, breeds frustration, anger, and hatred on both sides. Time is freedom. To have large groups of illiterate people is illogical.
Jupiter, being the Stationmaster of Station 9, is bringing the character trait of growth. He wants us to expand on Mercury’s logic and claim our Right to Mastery. Practical application, of what we learned from Mercury in Station 3, is how we achieve mastery. The point of mastery is to be able to pass on a legacy, the legacy of our great work. We need to use the education we received in Station 3, to travel the world to see how others apply this knowledge to your craft of choice. In station 9, we find our Sensei, master our craft, and eventually become the Sensei. Practical application, mastery, and mentorship is the way of Station 9.
the push-pull cycle of learning & applying
In your personal life, there is probably a well established ebb and flow between these two stations, already. We learn the basics in Station 3, apply them in Station 9 while continuing to expand our knowledge and skills through studying under a master. We go back to station 3 when we need to learn a new fundamental needed to expand on our great work, and the process starts all over again. The result will lead to mastery, and the ability to mentor others, keeping Luna’s dream, and your great work, alive for posterity. This process also produces a very valuable by-product. It results in a belief system. Going through the process of mastering anything, will result in the adoption of a philosophical value and belief system, especially when world travel is involved. It is just what happens, it is part of the process. You don’t have to think about it or try to make it happen. This belief system will become very important in Station 12.
Security Axis
I agree to uphold an infrastructure of Security and acknowledge, security for all is a requirement for freedom.
Being guarded by Luna and Saturn, this is the most important axis of all. It is also, the first we need to address in working through the Stations of the zodiac wheel.
If you don’t have security in the form of safe housing, you don’t have mental stability. The two are inextricable. When we have segments of mentally unstable people, it makes partaking in free enterprise a risk, and limits our mobility and freedom.
Consider this, do you avoid the subway because you feel unsafe? Freedom means being able to come and go as you please, as long as you are not harming anyone else. It means feeling safe enough to distribute your great work out into the world. It means having a customer base that feels safe enough to get to you. We shouldn’t be forced into online enterprise because we are prisoners in our own homes.
Activating the Poles
Security Sky-Way is located between Station 4 and Station 10.
Luna, being the Stationmaster of Station 4, is bringing the trait of empathy to be developed. Those who are rewarded with safe housing in our current system, need to be able to feel what it is like to be one of the inevitable, who are not afforded safe housing.
To accomplish her goal, she reminds us of the Right to Self-Preservation. Since none of us had agency over our own births, we have a right to survive and thrive. This is very similar to the Right to Be, but different. The Right to Self-Preservation is the right to protect ourselves from others. Whereas, the Right to Be, is the right to take up space and utilize the raw materials of that space.
In Station 4, the mission is to materialize a home that protects us physically and energetically. Without private safety in our homes, it is impossible to have public safety for enterprise.
Saturn, being the Stationmaster of Station 10, is counter-balancing Luna’s Right to Self-Protection with the character trait of self-governance.
We need the civil codes and infrastructure to afford us public safety. But too much requires us to give up freedoms. Saturn reminds us that the Right to Freedom can’t exist without self-governance. We must be willing to self-regulate and behave in a safe manner so we don’t need to give up our freedoms. Safe public spaces foster safe homes.
the push-pull cycle of public space & private space
The more we exercise self-governance in Station 10, the less rules, regulations, and rulers, we need to maintain self-protection in Station 4. As this is the most important structural axis, we need to go back and forth between the two stations, building them up, and making them as strong as they can possibly be. The stronger this line, the more time we will have to attend to other areas of our life. In Station 4, time results from clarity in mind and from balance in emotions; in Station 10, time results from efficiency in governmental systems. We can’t un-link the stations on an axis. They are two parts of the same whole.
Creativity Axis
I agree to uphold an infrastructure of Creativity and acknowledge, agency to be creative is a requirement for freedom.
We have a duty to emulate divinity for our own self-perseverance and a duty to emulate divinity for the benefit of humanity.
Just like being cut-off from our own identity is a horcrux, the same is true of being cut-off from the creative process. It splits our soul, and worse, it divorces us from our divinity. The act of being here on the Earth means we will create something. We are creating everyday, with our words and our agreements. Like agreeing to the corporate grind, we’ve agreed to create for others even though it feels like nails on a chalkboard to our soul. We either create with our own intent, or succumb to the creations of others.
As a society, we have been conditioned to praise the rich for engaging in the creative process while condemning the poor, as if creativity is a luxury. If we are to respect our time on this Earth and leave a legacy of harmony and beauty, we must honor the Right to Creativity for all members of the population.
Activating the Poles
Creativity Corridor is located between Station 5 and Station 11.
Sol, being the Stationmaster of Station 5, wills us to honor the Right to Shine by developing the character trait of pride. Yes pride, the much maligned word in the English language. Sol’s pride stems from his adoration of Luna’s dream. He’s not proud of himself, he’s proud of Luna’s dream. He wants to materialize it and show it off to the world. And shouldn’t he be able to take pride in himself for shining a light on Luna’s dream? To create, is to make Sol and Luna proud. When we understand the sacredness of this act, and allow people to be prideful of their divine creations, we will reconnect with our divinity on a collective scale. It will be a sight to behold!
Saturn, being the Stationmaster of Station 11, balances Sol’s pride, by developing the character trait of self-governance, and utilizing Sol’s, shining for the sake of a free humanity. Saturn is one heck of a busy guy. The work he does in Station 10 directly impacts our ability to collaborate in Station 11. These two stations are linked just as tightly as any of the axes. Saturn does his work in Station 10 of creating an organized, efficient system of bureaucracy and enterprise, so that we can have time to collaborate with others in the creative process. Saturn wants us to honor the Right to Freedom by using our creative abilities to create a free, just world filled with ingenuity. Ingenuity is the genius born of creative collaborations..
the push-pull cycle of creating & collaborating
Creating alone for our own benefit fuels us. Collaborating to co-create produces something bigger than ourselves, something we could never achieve on our own. There is something magical about coming together with others in the divine process of creation. It sparks genius. Some believe it is the process that allows us to tap into the Galactic Mind, also referred to as the Akashic Records. The process changes us and what we are capable of. When we go back to Station 5, to create for our own satisfaction, we find our creative ability has leveled-up. This, in turn, graduates us to a whole new level of collaboration. It is a beautiful, divine cycle. When used appropriately, it has the power to revolutionize the world. You say you want a revolution? Activate the Creativity Axis.
Integration Axis
I agree to uphold an infrastructure of Integration and acknowledge, the integration of the Six Zodiac Axes are required to make this path to freedom work.
There are two realms on the Earth plane. The material realm, which we use our 5 physical senses to experience. And the spiritual realm, which remains a mystery to us. Being that the spirit realm does not follow the rules of the physical sciences, we pretend it doesn’t exist. When it stands up to be counted, we explain it away with science. Religious dogma from all over the world labels it as “demonic” or “of the devil”. And not that long ago, still today in some places, people were/are literally burned alive simply for “appearing” to engage with it.
I have listened to famous astrologers, invite a Pisces sun sign to join in their conversations, because they didn’t understand the spirit realm, Pisces, and Station 12 enough to explain it themselves. Even though these are some of my favorite astrologers, their lack of respect for this sector of the zodiac, exposes our collective ignorance. I try to be as lighthearted as possible in this work, (even though we are on the Titanic). But having an intercepted Pisces Sun in Station 12, I am disturbed and grief-stricken over our collective ignorance of the spirit realm. The most powerful tools at our disposal, for getting us out of this colossal mess, we know nothing about. Worse, we ridicule and condemn the people who try to learn the language of spirit. It is so sad, it breaks my heart for all of humanity.
Science dismisses spirit as figments of our imagination and then proceeds to tell us that we aren’t using 50% of our brain, and a good portion of our DNA is dormant. Could it be that the unused 50% and dormant DNA is for our psychic senses and abilities?
Millennia of condemnation has caused our spiritual muscles to atrophy. Therefore, when we do try to develop them, they present a bit like Aunt Clara in a china shop. (Shout out to Bewitched.) After a few try’s with wonky results, we give up. It took me seven years of recording my dreams for me to learn the language of my dreams. Seven years! Let that sink in. Seven years with nothing to show for it and yet I persisted because I had a “knowing”. Now that “knowing” is a superpower. I know the spirit realm is real because I can feel it and I interact with it. I don’t need science to tell me. And I know the power of atrophy. Which means, I know how hard it is going to be to activate this axis. I also know, all of my work is in vain if we don’t. The system doesn’t work without integration, and integration requires the use of our psychic abilities.
If you need proof, all I can do is shake my head and direct you to the zodiac code. Why is it in the code if it is not real?
The truth is everything begins in the spirit realm with Luna’s dream. That is the message in the zodiac. The ineffable force we call Sol makes the dream tangible. The process is ineffable. We can’t understand it. But if you take a moment to check in with your highest self, you will “know”. We look to Mercury to begin the activation.
Activating the Poles
The Integration Line is located between Station 6 and Station 12.
Mercury, being the Stationmaster of Station 6, wants everything in the material realm to work. He helps us to develop the trait of logic to honor and understand the Right to Order. He wants all of our stuff in clean working order, organized into efficient systems. He wants consistent routines to ensure his tasks gets done. We need much the same in the spirit realm. Remember, the two stations on the axis are linked. They are two sides of the same coin. They have same end goal.
Jupiter, being the Stationmaster of Station 12, wants everything in the spiritual realm to work. Remember how Jupiter expanded on Mercury’s work in Station 3? Jupiter took, what Mercury taught us in the station of foundational skills, and applied it in the real world in Station 9, in order to master it. Jupiter is doing the same thing here. He is expanding on Mercury’s work in the material realm, by applying it to the spiritual realm, in order to make everything in the spiritual realm work and in order to master the entirety of the zodiac code.
Jupiter is also expanding on his own work in Station 9 and applying it here in Station 12. It is in Station 9 that we adopt belief and value systems. In Station 12, Jupiter puts those systems into practice for the purpose of spiritual growth and psychic development.
Unfortunately, we have been sitting on this teeter-totter for the last several thousands years, with our butts firmly planted on Mercury. Jupiter has his work cut out for him. First, he needs to use his power of expansion on our minds. We need to expand our awareness in order to be able to cross the threshold into spirit. We need to have faith in our own knowing. We need growth in our psychic awareness, and growth in our psychic muscles. We need to accept, the spirit realm is real, and we need to surrender to it.
the push-pull of material work and spiritual practice
Most of us (the South Node folks are always the exception), but most of us need to devote an equal amount of time to practicing the development of our psychic abilities, as we do to working the daily grind. This axis illuminates the damage extolled by the corporate machine. We don’t need the corporate machine to survive and thrive. We need each other. The corporate machine is not invested in your thriving nor your survival. News flash, you are replaceable. When we barter 8 of the 16 usable hours we have in a day, not including commutes and the necessary errands of cooking, cleaning, bill paying, and I don’t know, maybe spending quality time with your children, we have ZERO time to practice the development of our psychic abilities. I hate it when gurus and our so called “leaders” tell us if it’s really important to us, we’ll make time. Do they have some kind of magic hat that produces time instead of bunnies? You can’t “make” time. Be efficient, yes. But in today’s world, with all of it’s insane, illogical demands, especially for the poor, no amount of efficiency will be enough to produce a disposable amount of free time.
This push-pull between Mercury and Jupiter isn’t happening organically for us, because of an unhealthy economic structure and the bloated bureaucracy that comes with it. It steals time from us at every avenue and corner. The most efficient Mercury systems crumble in the face of delayed commutes, filling out piles and piles of unnecessary forms, requesting redundant information that they already have access to, for doctors, teachers, lawyers, assistance groups, etc, etc. only to be filed away, never to be seen again, long lines due to malfunctioning technology, soccer practice, chess club, birthday parties, doctor’s appointments, dental appointments, the oil change, the pointless “parent projects” the school systems love to assign, and that daily phone call you need to make to your insurance company to get them to honor their part of the agreement and pay your very legitimate claim. As we watch the schedule, we spent hours crafting, dissipate like dust in the wind, defeated, we scroll through the newest time-stealer being forced upon us, under the guise of saving us time and keeping us safe, the smartphone.
In a healthier system, Mercury would help us to schedule all of the work we need to do in the other Stations of the zodiac chart, into an efficient routine. And Jupiter would integrate all of the concepts into a cohesive whole through the spiritual application of the faith systems, Jupiter helped us to adopt in Station 9. Spiritual application results in the development of psychic abilities allowing us to level-up in the game of life. At which point we can re-calibrate the schedules and systems of Station 6 by utilizing our new found skills, hence freeing up more time to devote to spiritual application. Being efficient in the material realm, frees the finite time we do have for use in the spirit realm. It is a circuit of ascension.
So what can we do? We can be gentle on ourselves. Do the best we can, with no judgments. We stop ridiculing people for exploring the spirit realm. We practice when we can. And we work towards crafting a life that allows for spiritual practice as part of our daily routine. When it comes to spirit, we have very little idea of what is out there, and no idea of what we are capable of. All we can do is try, practice, fail, and try again. We can’t afford to give up here. We have to be willing to stick to the practice, even if it looks like we are not making progress. Take a break when you have to, and feel no guilt when your time gets stolen, but never stop completely. Never give up. Never give in.
A Pure Representation of the Primordial Feminine
Leader of the Water and Earth Clans
Member of the Water Clan
Guardian of the Right to Self-Preservation
Giver of Empathy
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of The Great Mother Crab
Keeper of the Creed of the Great Mother Crab
The Stationmaster of Station 4: Home
Co-Guardian of the Security Axis
Counterbalance to Saturn
Protector of the Individual
In Service to the Collective
Speed: 13° 11′ 00″
The moon is the most important part of your chart. She is the only part of the zodiac that represents 100% primordial feminine. She is all Goddess. All life, starts with Luna. Sol and the planets serve Luna. She represents the dream—the seed of the ineffable force of creation. She is ineffable. We can never know her. We can have faith the she is, because we are here.
She represents the “do-nothing time” that is the gestation period of divine creation. We can emulate her by dreaming our own dreams and opening our minds to imagination. Her purpose is to protect and nurture the seeds of the primordial feminine. She wants the dreams of the Goddess to survive and thrive.
Chart Placement
Luna’s placement in your chart, tells you many things. She tells you about your dream and nudges you to remember, for it is your highest purpose. The celestial territory she resides in, tells you the creed of your highest calling. The Station she resides in tells you the form your dream will take and the sector of life it impacts.
No matter where she shows up, no matter what capacity, she tells which creeds and sectors of life you need to nurture and protect—the sectors at risk. She wants you to build a house of security, protection, and resilience around these creeds and sectors. Where Luna shows up, empathy will serve you well.
The Path to Freedom
It takes a home in order to survive in this world. It takes being able to nurture yourself in that home, to thrive in this world. Therefore, everyone has a right to place–a right to home. This means housing comes first, not last. It means our idea of land and ownership must change.
Tenements and projects don’t qualify, for these places are never fun to live in and are rarely safe. The right to self-preservation means the right to safety, beauty, and whatever else it is that makes you feel secure enough to dream Luna’s dream. In order to materialize this right, we need to value empathy. We need to honor that value by developing empathy in ourselves and encouraging it in others. We can’t keep rewarding the narcissist and expect the world to change.
In order to have housing for all, those who have never had the ill-fortune of conceiving homelessness, need to be able to feel what it’s like. When we all have the capacity to hear and feel as Whitey Ford sings the blues, we will have change.
We can’t have barely habitable public housing and uninhabitable private rentals for some, while others “own” multiple lavish homes. We can’t have corporations, with the sole end goal of profit, owning homes. If you want to work your life away, so that you can have more stuff or more experiences, knock yourself out. But no one has a right to more and better housing than their fellow humans. The resources for housing are a gift from our Mother. Between the practice of land being a capitalistic commodity in an overpopulated economy, and the current housing code, the option to build homes has been robbed of us. We can’t look to the past for solutions. In the past we had never reached the point of the curve in the exponential growth chart. Now we are on the cusp. We need to be willing to imagine new possibilities of resource management which are inclusive.
This one value cures almost all of our social ills. It would reduce abortion rates, improve mental health, reduce crime, reduce domestic violence, increase safety, and most importantly it has the power to impact our greatest social atrocity, human-trafficking.
Yet we cling to an unsustainable, illogical, privatized land value system that goes against our own best interests, partly because we are scared and partly because, we either don’t try to feel, or can’t feel what it’s like for those who inevitably go without, at the fault of an inadequate system. Have you ever wondered why, after thousands of years of evolution, we still have people on the planet engaging in the practice of selling humans? It’s baffling to me, but as Epstein proved, the practice is alive and well in its most atrocious form. Homelessness and slavery are directly linked. As long as we think it is OK to own our Mother, there will be those who think it is OK to own others. It all boils down to a lack of empathy.
True empathy knows no prejudice and knows no judgment. There’s no such thing as empathy for one group but not another. You are either capable of feeling what it’s like or not. No in-between. This doesn’t mean we should not hold people accountable for their actions. What it means, is no one on this planet had any control or say in their own birth. Therefore, any person who is born, has a right to place regardless of circumstance. Once we have that home, it is up to us as individuals to practice the agreed upon values and safety systems to maintain the right to dwell with others.
When we COLLECTIVELY start rewarding empathy the way we reward narcissism now, we will have change. I emphasize the collective, because as George Carlin explained, human beings are lovely as individuals. It’s when you get us into groups that things go all wrong. We want to get to that place where instead of behaving badly in groups, we behave impeccably. It starts with Luna, the right to self-preservation, and empathy.
A Pure Representation of the Primordial Masculine
Leader of the Fire and Air Clans
Member of the Fire Clan
Guardian of the Right to Shine
Giver of Pride
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Leo
Keeper of the Creed of Leo
The Stationmaster of Station 5: Play
Co-Guardian of the Creativity Axis
Counterbalance to Saturn
Protector of the Individual
In Service to the Collective
Sol is a 100% representation of the primordial masculine. By some unknown magic, he makes Luna’s dream real. A member of the Fire clan, we think Sol’s magical force is related to some kind of electricity, some kind of catalyst, some kind of spark. Like Luna, we can have faith that he is, because we are here.
Whereas Luna represents “doing nothing”, Sol represents “doing something”. We can emulate him by taking the necessary actions to make Luna’s dreams real. Sol wants to materialize Luna’s dream and proudly display it to the world. When we create something authentic and express an exuberance for it, we literally shine. People may even tell you, “you are glowing”. It fills us up. It is satisfying in a way that gives us energy. It feels like play, rather than work. And it releases a neuro-chemical cocktail with good effect. One could argue, “to shine” is the purpose of life.
The act of creation is ineffable. We are not capable of grasping the science behind the forces of creation. What is important, is to realize its sacredness. There is little on this Earth more satisfying than creating something. To partake in the creative process is our birthright. To be robbed of it is a sacrilege.
The road to creativity starts with play. We spark our imagination through all kinds of play. Sports, music, games, art–there are so many possible options. Once our imagination has locked on to a complete concept, we play some more in trying to create the imaginary concept. Play, imagine, play, create. This is the perpetual cycle of divinity. Meditating on Luna and Sol makes us remember our own divinity. This is why the zodiac code is so powerful when used to it’s original intent. I don’t care what name you place on your representation of the divine. I don’t care how you describe it. I care that you remember, you are a part of it. To get to know Sol, start to play. To play is divine. Luna and Sol are counterbalanced by Saturn for a reason. With divinity comes responsibility–the responsibility to behave divinely, the responsibility to be free, the responsibility to act with integrity, always.
Chart Placement
Sol’s placement on your map tells you how to make Luna’s dream real. The celestial territory where he resides, tells us which creed we need to adopt in this Earth walk. This creed needs to be our motto and approach to life. The station he is in, tells us which sector of life needs our energy and attention most in order to make Luna’s dream real. Therefore, Sol’s station tells us where to be active and engaged.
No matter where he shows up, no matter what capacity, he tells which creeds and sectors need your attention–the sectors of life needing a flurry of activity. He urges you to create something you can be proud of. Where Sol shows up, you need to shine. To hide Luna’s dream in the shadows is sacrilege. Allowing Sol’s light to illuminate Luna’s dream is when pride serves us well.
The Path to Freedom
To follow Sol down the path to freedom, we must understand pride and the Right to Shine. To shine and to create are bound into one concept. This is the kind of “shining” that comes from emulating divinity by creating something from your heart—from your highest, most authentic self. To shine is to be proud. Pride is another word corrupted by the English language. It is a contronym—it has two opposite meanings. Contronyms are bad spells. Sol’s loyalty to Luna’s dream has no bounds. He wants to make her dream real because he is proud of the dream, not himself. He is beaming out of respect for Luna and the divine forces of creation.
Sol wants to teach us to have fun emulating divinity. He wants us to create and do our best to please the gods rather than to win. I use the term “gods” metaphorically. If you have a god, create to please him, her, or it. The point is create for creation’s sake and for no other reason. When we partake in the creative process we are emulating divinity, even if we can’t understand and name that divinity. It fuels us and makes life worth living. It creates a higher vibratory resonance, a resonance of harmony.
We have all kinds of strict unwritten rules about who gets to shine and for what. Historically, girls have been shunned from shining altogether. Boys are encouraged to shine brightly, as long as they aren’t doing anything too feminine.
Sol wants us to respect and honor the creative process by allowing people to be proud of their creations. Humility is over-rated, benefiting the narcissist and the ruling class at the expense of the collective. Edison was lauded for his creations, while Tesla was ridiculed. What’s the difference? In a balanced world, the act of creation is sacred and respected regardless of who is doing it.
In an unbalanced world, people preach humility because they are afraid of competition. There is no competition when we show up authentically and create to please the gods. Competition is an illusion. The two hemispheres of the zodiac reveal, when the individual wins, the collective wins. When the individual loses, the collective loses. When we are allowed to be proud of our authentic skills, the idea of “better than” dissolves.
I would argue that humility is not a trait most people need to learn. Only a true narcissist needs to be schooled in humility. Most of us just need to focus on our authentic creations. As long as your pride is channeled into creative projects which resonate with you, you will glow rather than be an obnoxious braggart. When we impose false humility on certain populations, we rob ourselves of getting to enjoy the benefit of their creations. How can we create anything of value, if we are conditioned to NOT take pride in our own special skills and talents. Honor Sol, the right to shine, and the creative process, for others and yourself, and the world will always be filled with magic.
Footnote: The term narcissist is being used to excess in recent years. One can exhibit narcissistic behaviors due to emotional trauma and wounding but that does not make them a narcissist. Narcissism is a clinical disease in where one, despite having no past trauma, is incapable of empathy and feels their negative and hurtful actions are beyond reproach.
Air Mercury
Representation of Residual Masculine Energy
Member of the Air Clan
Guardian of the Right to Education
Giver of Logic
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Gemini
Keeper of the Creed of Gemini
The Stationmaster of Station 3: Navigation
Co-Guardian of the Education Axis
Counterbalance to Jupiter
Protector of the Individual
In Service to the Collective
Speed: 1° 23′ 00″
Earth Mercury
Representation of Residual Feminine Energy
Member of the Air Clan
Guardian of the Right to Efficiency
Giver of Logic
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Virgo
Keeper of the Creed of Virgo
The Stationmaster of Station 6: Material Maintenance
Co-Guardian of the Integration Axis
Counterbalance to Jupiter
Protector of the Individual
In Service to the Collective
Speed: 1° 23′ 00″
Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods because he is unique in the Zodiac. Venus and Mars, split their time equally, between serving the individual and serving the collective, while Jupiter and Saturn place all of their focus on serving the individual. It is only Mercury who sits with Luna and Sol, giving 100% to serve the collective. In addition, he shows up in service to all of the Guardians. His orbit keeps him close to Venus where he uses his affinity for cleanliness and order, to serve Venus in her quest for beauty. He serves Jupiter by building him a base to expand upon. If we would allow him, he would like to serve Mars, by producing efficient systems of management and equitable sharing of Earth’s resources, acting as a catalyst to jump start our courage. And, he can bring efficiency to Saturn’s rules and infrastructure, again, if we allow it. He is the liaison holding the zodiac together. His greatest desire is to make it all work.
In this world, we have made Mercury our God. If we ever knew he was in service to divinity, we have forgotten. This has thrust the world into a greatly imbalanced state. We use our logic, to explain away divinity and the spirit realm, rather than use it in service to spirit and Luna’s dream. The zodiac code is very clear about Mercury’s place and function. Mercury does not want to be our God. He wants his logic used for the specific purpose of making Luna’s dream real. He has many talents, is an excellent multi-tasker, and we are crippling him in his ability to serve. By making Mercury our God, and using him as an excuse to ignore what is most important, rather than achieving order, we have made a colossal mess of things. The single most effective action we can take in restoring this world to balance, is to honor Mercury by allowing him to serve.
Chart Placement
Mercury’s placement on your map tells you where, how, and why to best communicate Luna’s dream to the world. The celestial territory tells you what you need to be talking about, and the Station tells you the platform you will use. Your platform is linked to your motivation.
No matter where he shows up, no matter what the capacity, he tells of which creeds and sectors you need to know the language of. This is the part of the chart where you have something to say. You will need to be able to communicate and navigate something of this creed, and in this sector. He urges you to be efficient. Where Mercury shows up, logic will serve you well.
The Path to Freedom
To honor Mercury, we need to remember that he is the counterbalance to Jupiter. Jupiter in Sagittarius wants us to expand our awareness to the world outside of our neighborhoods. Jupiter in Pisces wants us to expand our awareness to the world outside the material—the world of spirit, that which cannot be seen. Mercury wants us to use logic, in order to assist us in developing our psychic awareness. To assist us in traversing the spirit realm, is Mercury’s highest purpose. What we are doing is using logic to explain away the spirit realm. You see the problem?
Mercury is holding space on two axes—the Education Axis and the Integration Axis. His logic gives us the base education needed, for mastery of a skill or trade, which allows us to be of value and gives us the base for adopting a spiritual value system. His logic also gives us efficiency in the material realm making it possible to explore and practice in the spirit realm. Here, Mercury works with Saturn giving us the gift of time, which is a the foundation of freedom. He is giving us time to develop our psychic abilities. Utilizing our psychic skills is what it is to be free. Not being bound to this material plane, being able to come and go as we please, being intent and clear, on what we pull from the spirit realm, in order to create abundance and beauty in the material, is to be free.
We really don’t know the ramifications of a collective engaged in the routine development of the psychic senses. It has never been achieved in our recorded history. We have only scratched the surface of our psychic development. To use Mercury’s logic, in service to spirit, is the first step in exploring the unseen realm. This is what Mercury wants.
Earth Venus
Representation of Residual Feminine Energy
Member of the Earth Clan
Guardian of the Right to Beauty
Giver of Symbiosis
Guardian of Taurus
Keeper of the Creed of Taurus
The Stationmaster of Station 2: Tools
Co-Guardian of the Mother Earth Axis
Counterbalance to Mars
Protector of the Individual
Air Venus
Representation of Residual Masculine Energy
Member of the Air Clan
Guardian of the Right to Beauty
Giver of Symbiosis
Guardian of Libra
Keeper of the Creed of Libra
The Stationmaster of Station 7: Partners
Co-Guardian of the Authenticity Axis
Counterbalance to Mars
Protector of the Collective
Chart Placement
The Path to Freedom
Fire Mars
Representation of the Primordial Masculine
Member of the Fire Clan
Guardian of the Right to Be
Giver of Courage
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Aries
Keeper of the Creed of Aries
The Stationmaster of Station 1: Avatar
Co-Guardian of the Authenticity Axis
Counterbalance to Venus
Protector of the Individual
Water Mars
Representation of the Primordial Feminine
Member of the Water Clan
Guardian of the Right to Be
Giver of Courage
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Scorpio
Keeper of the Creed of Scorpio
The Stationmaster of Station 8: Well of Resources
Co-Guardian of the Authenticity Axis
Counterbalance to Venus
Protector of the Individual
Chart Placement
The Path to Freedom
Fire Jupiter
Representation of the Primordial Masculine
Member of the Fire Clan
Guardian of the Right to Awareness
Giver of Intuition
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Sagittarius
Keeper of the Creed of Sagittarius
The Stationmaster of Station 9: Mastery
Co-Guardian of the Education Axis
Counterbalance to Mercury
Protector of the Collective
Water Jupiter
Representation of the Primordial Feminine
Member of the Water Clan
Guardian of the Right to Awareness
Giver of Intuition
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Pisces
Keeper of the Creed of Pisces
The Stationmaster of Station 12: Spiritual Maintenance
Co-Guardian of the Integration Axis
Counterbalance to Mercury
Protector of the Collective
Chart Placement
The Path to Freedom
Earth Saturn
Representation of Residual Feminine Energy
Member of the Earth Clan
Guardian of the Right to Freedom
Giver of Integrity
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Capricorn
Keeper of the Creed of Capricorn
The Stationmaster of Station 10: Enterprise
Co-Guardian of the Security Axis
Counterbalance to Luna
Protector of the Collective
Air Saturn
Representation of Residual Masculine Energy
Member of the Air Clan
Guardian of the Right to Freedom
Giver of Integrity
Guardian of the Celestial Territory of Aquarius
Keeper of the Creed of Aquarius
The Stationmaster of Station 11: Collaboration
Co-Guardian of the Creativity Axis
Counterbalance to Sol
Protector of the Collective
Chart Placement
The Path to Freedom
No one has agency over there own birth. As far as we know, we did not ask to be here, and we are powerless and without possession on arrival. Therefore, humanity has basic Universal Rights as a result of being born. To have a free society, it is imperative to collectively acknowledge these Universal Rights. To deny these rights, is to punish those born into unsafe, impoverished households. To deny these rights, ensures an endless cycle of narcissistic leaders, poverty, servitude, ignorance, lack of security, and suffering.
These rights may seem radical at first. As you follow your own map, their necessity will become apparent.
These are our birthrights, we do nothing to earn them. To keep them, is another matter. To keep them, we must follow the agreed upon code that affords a safe and free life for all.
1) Luna: The Right to Self-Preservation
We have the right to persevere. We have a right to the raw-materials needed for housing, and the right to build homes if adequate housing is not provided for us. We have a right to camp, forage, hunt, and build on the land.
2) Sol: The Right to Shine
To understand the Right to Shine we must understand, to shine and to create are bound into one concept. This is the kind of “shining” that comes from emulating divinity by creating something from your heart—from your highest, most authentic self.
We have the right to emulate divinity. To emulate divinity is to engage in the creative process. It energizes us and fosters resilience. It allows us to contribute to society and be of value to the collective. To deny access to creativity is to cut us off from our divinity and breeds narcissism.
3) Mercury: The Right to Education
We have a right to the knowledge and skills required to navigate our neighborhoods and contribute to our communities. We have a right to the knowledge and resources required to master a craft and the right to apprentice others. We have a right to adopt a belief system.
4) Venus: The Right to Beauty
We have a right to live in beauty. Material beauty promotes self-worth. The Earth is beautiful by design. It is a sacrilege to create ugly spaces and force segments of the population into those spaces. Likewise, it is a sacrilege to create those things which mar the Earth’s natural beauty and strip her of her resources.
5) Mars: The Right to Be
As we are all born, helpless, money-less babies, no one person has more right to be here than another. We have a right to take up space on this planet and we have a right to the resources Mother Earth freely gives.
6) Jupiter: The Right to Awareness
We have a right to know what lies beyond our neighborhoods and communities. Which means we have the right to travel freely across borders. Likewise, we have a right to the awareness of the spirit realm and the right to practice engaging with it.
7) Saturn: The Right to Freedom
We have a right to our own time, agency over how we contribute value to the community, and the right to choose the trajectory of our own lives. We have the right to live in a free and just society.
The Universal Rights are not easy for humanity to accept and adopt, especially on a collective scale. Each of the seven zodiac guides embodies a fundamental trait required for the zodiac code to work in materializing a free society. As we work at developing these traits within ourselves, it helps us to grasp the necessity and logic of the Universal Rights. It also instills us with the integrity to make the choice to adopt the Universal Rights and uphold them.
1) Luna: Empathy
Even the most corrupt systems benefit some. The have’s must be able to feel the suffering of the have not’s, without actually experiencing it. If we want a free and just world, we must start valuing empathy, teaching it, practicing it, and rewarding it. We need to remember the lesson taught by the two hemispheres and understand, when the collective suffers, it will eventually result in suffering for ourselves. This knowing makes it easier to practice empathy. There is zero chance of a free and just world, without integrity. There is no integrity without empathy.
2) Sol: Pride
Sol’s pride stems from his adoration of Luna’s dream. He wants to materialize it and show it off to the world. We need to follow his lead and develop pride in our authentic and unique skills, and boldly create with them. We need to encourage others to do the same. It should be OK to acknowledge and to be prideful of our own divinity. It ensures that are creations fill the world with beauty and it is the cure for narcissism.
3) Mercury: Logic
The love of logic is not lacking in our culture. Without growth, it is useless. We love logic to the point that we ignore everything else, and the result is an illogical world built on illogical systems. Logic is guarded by Mercury. He is called the Messenger of the Gods for a reason. His logic is designed to be in service to all of the other guides and their objectives. Venus and Mars split their time between service to the collective and service to the individual. It is only Mercury who sits with Luna and Sol, giving 100% to serve the collective. To maintain balance and integrity, we must use Mercury’s logic through the lens of serving the collective. Mercury is the counterbalance to Jupiter, and Jupiter is the guardian of the spirit realm. We need to remember that Mercury’s logic is in service to our psychic development, not a replacement for it. Then our logic will start to serve us much better.
4) Venus: Balance
We have a right to live in beauty. Material beauty promotes self-worth. The Earth is beautiful by design. It is a sacrilege to create ugly spaces and force segments of the population into those spaces. Likewise, it is a sacrilege to create those things which mar the Earth’s natural beauty and strip her of her resources. The key to all of this is balance. Balance means we only take what we need from the Earth. Balance means giving back when we do take. To create beautiful items with Earth’s precious resources, is how we give back to her. Balance in our relationships is the back and forth flow of supporting one another equally. This results in beautiful, harmonious relationships. Harmony makes the world a beautiful place to live. The path to freedom, requires that we start to honor the Earth by committing to keeping her as beautiful as she is in her natural state. This requires committing to harmony within our homes and communities; and committing to beauty in our manufacturing and environments. When we start to value our Mother’s worth, our own self worth will naturally rise. It’s a beautiful cycle of loving the Earth enough to keep her beautiful and loving ourselves enough to give ourselves beauty. Consider this, would you feel free living in a slum?
5) Mars: Courage
As we are all born, helpless, money-less babies, no one person has more right to be here than another. We have a right to take up space on this planet and we have a right to the resources Mother Earth freely gives. To honor this right is easier said than done. We must value a specific kind of courage, if we are to have freedom. We must be willing to share space, share resources, and trust that each of us has something valuable to contribute, when allowed to project and create authentically. All of these things are scary. It is all too easy to use false logic to get us to acquiesce the right to space, resources, and authenticity. We will have to start developing the right kind of courage, the scariest kind of courage, if we are ever to be free.
6) Jupiter: Growth
We have a right to know what lies beyond our neighborhoods and communities. Which means we have the right to travel freely across borders. Likewise, we have a right to the awareness of the spirit realm and the right to practice engaging with it. When we learn about communities outside our neighborhoods, we grow philosophically. When we learn about the realm which lies beyond the material, we grow spiritually. We value growth, but it is the wrong kind of growth needed for freedom. We value the growth of business, who has no other objective than to make a few wealthy. It doesn’t care about the Well of Resources or you. As we have seen in the past, business will exploit resources and workers until they are gone. Then the business will find new resources and new workers to exploit. This type of growth leads to suffering and extinction. Just like we need to cultivate a specific kind of courage, we need to cultivate a specific kind of growth. Philosophical growth leads to emotional growth and strong value systems. Spiritual growth leads to the development of the psychic senses, enhancing the Earth experience and helping us to integrate all of these values into a cohesive working whole. There is no freedom in segregation. And there is no freedom in the limitation of psychic development. Cutting yourself off from the greater world around you, may make you feel safe, but it doesn’t make you free.
7) Saturn: Self-Governance
We have a right to our own time, agency over how we contribute value to the community, and the right to choose the trajectory of our own lives. To have it requires self-governance. We must know how to and desire to, take responsibility for our own actions. The more we self-govern, the less bureaucracy and legislation is required. Governmental systems and laws, ultimately, restrict our freedoms. Over the course of my life, I have watched more and more of our freedoms stripped away in the name of safety. We must be willing to do the right thing, without being told. And many of us already do. I would argue that more do than don’t. We need to expand this to the community level. It will require getting to know our neighbors and working as teams, with the intent of keeping bureaucracy in check. We will also need to take responsibility for providing our own goods and services, rather than allowing the corporate structure to dictate our basic needs. To contribute at the community level is much more rewarding that contributing to the corporate machine. We need to mobilize and share in the responsibility required to start taking back control over our own lives. Having a system of sharing resources, gives us more safety, than stripping away freedoms. One way we can start to self-govern is to recognize the core cause of unsafe environments, which is poverty. Understanding Mars and the courage to share, is the first step in understanding Saturn and how to self-govern.